Pupil Premium, Covid-19 catch up
We use the EEF guidance to shape our approach to the way we spend Pupil Premium funding and the way we evaluate its impact. We use the recommended DfE strategy template to capture our intended outcomes. Our approaches to the grant spend are in keeping with the way we learn at Ash Field. For example, children are used to working in a highly differentiated way, they develop positive and trusting relationships with a small number of staff and they value and indeed, need time 1:1 or in small group learning environments to make the best progress they can, therefore the offer we give through pupil premium includes many opportunities for this.
We know that our families are key to strategies working and having long term impact beyond the school gates and therefore, we are investing in links with them and resourcing home environments as well as classrooms. We believe behaviour for learning is key to progress so many of our strategies focus on this so that children can commit to learning when in class.
For more information, please read our current pupil premium strategy statement below.
Pupil Premium Impact Reports
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
COVID-19 Reports
Pupil Premium Grant Details
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