Eye Pointing
In cases where making choices using physical gestures is not able to be consistently achieved, it may be possible for someone to use their eyes to make selections from a given range of options. There are both low-tech and high-tech applications of eye-pointing.
E-tran frame
An E-Tran frame is a sheet of stiff, transparent plastic (Perspex) onto which picture, symbols or words can be stuck with Blu-Tack or Velcro. The communication partner faces the user and holds the frame up between them. The user gazes at the picture, letter, symbol, or word they want to choose. |
Look2Talk is a colour-encoded communication book that is designed for those who eye-point. The user first eye points to the block containing the target symbol, and then clarifies which symbol they want from the block by eye pointing to the coloured dot that matches the border colour of the symbol. |
Eye Gaze
Eye gaze or eye tracking is a way of accessing your computer or communication aid using a mouse that you control with your eyes. Systems follow your eyes to see where you are looking on the screen. |
There are many free and paid software applications created to foster Eye Gaze skills including
Resources on Ian Bean's website
Page updated on 27/2/21 by CGough