E-safety for Pupils
Here are some useful websites for Pupils at Ash Field:
CBBC - Stay Safe Tips and Tricks to stay safe online including beating cyber-bullies
Disney Internet Safety Download Internet Agreement and Safety Tips
KS1 - Computing - Digital Literacy 7 Learner Guides and 1 Class Clip
BBC Bitesize - KS3 - ICT Esafety Online activity to learn how to spot dangers and keep yourself safe online.
KS3 - Computer Science 3 Learner Guides
ThinkUKnow - Cyber Cafe Visit it now to help Griff and his friends stay safe while using email, chat areas, mobiles and other new technologies!
ThinkUKnow - Sex, relationships, The Internet Advice for 14+ Year Old Pupils
ThinkUKnow - Using the Internet Safely Advice for 5-8 year old Pupils on using the internet in a safe wey
ThinkUKnow - You, You're Friends, The Internet For 11-13 year old pupils - Keeping yourselves safe and keeping the internet fun
Virgin Media - Children's Online Safety Test Test you childs knowledge of how to be safe online plus tips for parents