What is important to us?
We want to ensure that the pupils of Ash Field have the very best education and care; are best supported to live happy and fulfilling lives beyond Ash Field, enjoying as much independence as possible; and can positively contribute to society.
At Ash Field, it is vital that we prepare our students for the world beyond. This can look very different depending on the child. It is therefore important that we get to know that child, their support/care network and the possible options they have for their future, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge they require to be comfortable, happy and enriched. We are ambitious for all our pupils and strive to challenge them at all opportunities. Our pupils inevitably face barriers other children don’t have to and we want to help them realise, manage and overcome those with as much independence as possible.
The curriculum aims to meet the specific needs and knowledge of our individual learners within a holistic, broad and balanced offer. We do this through our range of learning areas and our enrichment offer, which is bespoke to the needs of the pathway cohort. Our curriculum is based on a combination of knowledge and skills. We want our pupils to develop meaningful and functional knowledge and skills that will support their adult life. We therefore plan and deliver purposeful experiences for our pupils designed to enable them to live the very best, most productive and happiest life they can. We base everything our pupils do around the core values: trust, respect, aspiration, collaboration and kindness, developing their interests and skills at every opportunity whilst also supporting their social, emotional and mental health. This means learning goes far beyond the lessons scheduled in the timetable. Every break, transition, interaction and personal care need is a learning opportunity. Enriching opportunities outside of the classroom add to our curriculum offer and include pod time, trips, creative experiences, visitors, networks and Residential, and we work closely with all teams around each pupil to ensure best outcomes.
We want our pupils to be as independent as possible and the curriculum is coordinated to prepare them for life beyond Ash Field. We present all pupils with challenges that are appropriate to their own needs and regularly assess and review their progress to shape the learning for maximum impact. We celebrate their achievements as a community and strive to recognise everyone's efforts. Examples of how we enhance independence:
At the heart of our vision for each pupil is their Education, Health and Care documentation as this is essentially their plan for the future. It commits the team around the pupil to offering them what they need to achieve their desired outcomes and every year, the Annual Review feeds into the content of learning and how it is delivered.
Over the past decade, research has gone into re-designing the curriculum so that it offers the very best model for our learners to make progress and we continue to be highly reflective.
Want to know more?
Please contact and they will put you in touch with the Lead for Teaching and Learning and/or the relevant Pathway Leader. We have further documents that we can share on how we teach specific statutory subject areas, our Pathway handbooks, and on our offer more generally.