Inclusion and SEND Hub
With over a decade of experience, the Inclusion and SEND Hub at Ash Field Academy is committed to work with local, regional, national and international stakeholders and networks to ensure every child and young person with SEND achieves well, are included fully in their school communities, and are well prepared for the transition to an adulthood in which they lead happy and fulfilled lives.
At the Inclusion and SEND Hub we understand that one of the most impactful experiences for learners with SEND is to have access to high quality, inclusive teaching. To this end we support our local TSHub and SCITT to recruit, train, develop and retain the very best teachers, leaders and support staff working in all phases and types of schools and at all stages of their careers.
We have aligned our work with the Teaching School Hub 'Golden Thread' agenda of:
Our experienced trainers/facilitators deliver on following workforce development initiatives:
Initial Teacher Training: Early Primary, Primary and Secondary SCITT and PGCE including Specialist School Placements
Early Career Support: Mainstream and Specialist ECT Programmes
National Professional Qualifications: Specialist and Leadership
The Inclusion and SEND Hub also has an extensive School to School Support offer:
- SEND Consultancy
- SEND Reviews
- Physical Disability Outreach
- Placement and Volunteer Programme
The Inclusion and SEND Hub is part of a well-established quality assured network of delivery partners to meet the needs and demands of our local, regional, national and international partners. Please feel free to contact us by phone, email or by completing the website query form below if you want to connect and collaborate with us.
Our Values
We say YES to PEOPLE - We recognise the unique value and potential in everyone. We commit to honour and support this potential by inspiring the teacher and leader in everyone.
We say YES to COLLABORATION and PARTNERSHIP - We believe in working together through, open honest and cooperative relationships to support capacity in our self-improving, school-led system.
We say YES to INTEGRITY - We value the trust and respect of our community and colleagues. We commit to being a place where we do what is right for our children and young people.
We say YES to CHALLENGES - We value challenges because they produce innovations. We commit to approaching challenges with courage, enthusiasm and optimism.
We say YES to ENTHUSIASM - We are passionate about our work and working together. We can't help but share this enthusiasm with everyone.
We believe that every child is entitled to be in a great school.