Our Team
Ellen Croft - Director Inclusion and SEND Hub
Ellen is Vice Principal CPLD and Director Inclusion and SEND Hub based at Ash Field Academy. Ellen has over 20 years of teaching and leadership experience both in mainstream and specialist schools. Ellen is a specialist Leader of Education SEND. She believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together to improve the academic and social outcomes for our learners with SEND.
Ellen has a demonstrated history of developing and delivering effective CPLD on the following:
Through the Inclusion and SEND Hub’s School to School Support Network, Ellen has led on and developed several local initiatives to improve SEND provision for learners in mainstream and specialist schools including SEND Reviews.
Ellen is also a:
Lynsey O'Keeffe - Assistant Director Inclusion and SEND Hub
Lynsey is the Assistant Director of the Inclusion and SEND Hub here at Ash Field Academy.
Throughout her 25-year career in mainstream education Lynsey has always been passionate about ensuring the very best educational experience for our children with special educational needs. Lynsey is an experienced SENDCO having worked at senior leadership level and is a Specialist Leader in Education for SEND.
As Assistant Director of the Inclusion and SEND Hub, Lynsey’s role includes:
- Providing school to school support for SENDCOs and school leaders
- Leading SEND reviews
- Developing and delivering the SEND programme for Initial Teacher Training
- Delivering professional development for Early Careers teachers as part of the Early Career Framework