Careers and Enterprise
At Ash Field Academy we use the term ‘employing our time meaningfully’ to ensure we encapsulate and consider all possible ways that our pupils can contribute to society. When we use the term “career”, we mean it as a pathway through life. This includes pupils developing skills for independence, learning about the world around them, community access and understanding the options available to them when they leave school, with information, advice and support through the delivery of creative careers education and work-related learning opportunities.
The school’s vision states our commitment to provide exceptional education and care, so that every pupil reaches their potential. Our Careers programme is in line with this aim. The school’s vision and values can be found on the school website under the section “About us/Vision and Values”. Careers education here is about empowering young people to plan and manage their future pathways. The aim is to ensure that pupils are introduced to the different sectors, occupations and organisations which will support them to make decisions about their futures and how they might choose to spend their time.
Pupils at Ash Field receive access to independent careers guidance which is specific to their curriculum pathway and designed to meet their needs. We personalise our offer in ways that are meaningful and beneficial to their future. Guidance and information can be found within the Pathway handbooks, which are available on the school website under the section Key Information/Curriculum.
In addition to the school careers programme, we have a Service Level Agreement with Connexions. Where appropriate, our Connexions advisor provides independent support, advice and guidance to help our pupils and their families to consider the options surrounding their future career pathway. She works alongside other professionals to help pupils achieve positive outcomes relating to the choices they make post Ash Field. She also attends the Year 9 Annual Review of the Education, Health and Care plan, and this is where the initial transition planning covering the 4 areas of Preparing for Adulthood commences. She also attends the review which takes place in the penultimate year and in the final year, when the pupil is transitioning from Ash Field to their next destination.
Our Careers and Enterprise Leaders are Muna Diriye and Victoria Mills. If you have any queries about careers, further and higher education or work experience please contact us on and or 0116 2737151.
Our Careers Link Governor is Daniel Slavin.
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